Tuesday, November 1, 2016

"Busy" does not mean productive.
"Busy" is distracting.

Upon reading the classic passage of Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42, it hit me hard to read this:

"But Martha was distracted with much serving ..

Serving and doing things is great but it goes to show that even when the Saviour of the world, the Prince of peace, King of kings, Counsellor, Son of God, is in your house; you can miss Him. Although Martha was serving, be aware to not mistaken it for productiveness and fruitfulness. Although Mary was not helping her, be aware to not mistaken it for laziness and selfishness. 

There is a time and place to serve Jesus  and there is a time and place to sit at His feet. 
Sometimes we miss that. In the midst of our jam packed schedule and how fast paced our world is, it doesn't matter how much we are doing, what matters is HOW we are doing what we're doing. 

We hear it a lot that it's quality over quantity, why? Think about it this way, what lasts longer, what has a lasting effect .. quality or quantity? If you're at work, does the amount of work you do last longer than the quality you do it at? If you're purchasing a kitchen appliance, does the amount of appliances you have last longer than the quality of your cooking? What matters more? 

In your own life, I encourage you to take at least a good 15 minutes to reflect on your schedule. If you have to, write it out. Ask yourself: how many hours of my day am I dedicating to myself? How many of those hours am I using to serve others? Am I sitting at the feet of Jesus more than I am serving Him? 

Friday, March 25, 2016

Throughout the world, Christian and non-Christian, this day resonates and takes time to stop and recognise Jesus Christ. Who He is, or who He was. What He has done, or what He had done. Wherever you stand on this, there is an awe in Easter. There is this solemnity of Good Friday and the miracle of Resurrection Sunday. 

We come to remember not just what was done, but who did it. 
'He spoke into being the immeasurable universe, yet He notes the sparrow's fall, and hears the faintest cry. He made the galaxies, but He stooped to Bethlehem's manger. He dwells beyond the remotest galaxy, but He is no father from us than the reach of faith.'

This is God, this is Jesus. The Saviour, Redeemer, Comforter, Friend, Servant. He took down His crown, stood up from His throne in Heaven. Traded for a crown of thorns, and a rugged cross with His arms stretched out, body hung, hands and feet nailed- upon that hill at Calvary. The very place where Abraham was tested to sacrifice Isaac is the place he called 'The Lord will Provide.' This is the same place where the Father provided His Son as the sacrifice to pay for the cost of every sin, condemnation, transgression, hurt, pain, and sorrow. 

What love is this? What kind of love came down to rescue? What love reaches to those who have not yet loved back? What love? The Father's love, and more. 

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Women of Purpose

There is something so empowering being surrounded by woman who are wiser and older than you. 
It has been too long that I have put in my heart into photography, something today just changed that and came with these photographs. Simply we had a pre-spring brunch with the Women of FCF also known as FCF Women of Purpose filled with so much laughter and joy, it's not question why I look up to them. It's a powerful declaration and one that must be said over and over, passed on to generation to generation: 

'I carry God's image, I carry His greatness, I carry His beauty..'